With just a few days left in December, I know we’re all eager to see the book closed on 2020. This time last year, if a fortune teller had told us that we would experience the vast array of challenges we have seen across the globe, I’m pretty sure we’d be asking for our money back because it was so far-fetched! The pandemic, civil unrest, political turmoil, massive unemployment, lockdowns…any one of those issues would have a massive impact on our day to day, let alone all of them concurrently. And that doesn’t even account for the natural challenges life inherently brings each day! We have all been stretched, pushed, challenged and forced to re-think so many of our daily processes. I’m not even sure what the “new normal” will be, nor can I actually clearly recollect what “normal” was just 10 months ago.
I know how easy it could be to slip into a malaise of discontent, disappointment and discouragement when faced with the sheer volume of issues we’ve faced. To be clear, it could be Very Easy!
Yet, as I reflect back on 2020, what stands out most for me is the absolutely amazing determination I’ve seen from everyone at Picis. Our team has displayed a resilience, creativity, curiosity and focus that has been truly remarkable! And our customers have illustrated all that and more in their daily commitment to providing care in the face of unyielding obstacles. I have never been more honored to serve these two constituencies. It is truly humbling to observe the power of so many people so willing to simply put aside their individual issues and work together to just “figure it out”!
We have found new ways to deliver as well as new ways to simply stay bonded. Zoom/Teams/FaceTime/WebEx have become our tools of choice. We’ve talked more frequently and been more willing to share our vulnerabilities. We’ve become confident that we can still provide the highest levels of products and services even if we cannot step one foot inside our customer’s facilities. We’ve developed new products to help solve problems that didn’t even exist a year ago. We’ve even found an ability to enjoy “happy hour” together while still thousands of miles apart with “Picis Mixology”. And along the way, I think we’ve all become more grateful and more appreciative of each other. These are the beautiful by-products of a difficult time!
The power of a group of people completely engaged in helping each other, serving each other, and sacrificing daily to make that happen is an exceptionally amazing force. What 2020 has reinforced for me is that there genuinely is no challenge (or collection of challenges) that we cannot overcome when we act with a servant’s heart. As we enter 2021, the reality is the challenges won’t magically disappear once the calendar changes. In fact, the last twelve months have certainly taught us that we should continue to expect the unexpected. And while the challenges will continue, we can also be confident that collectively we will find a way around, over, under or through them together. Oddly, 2020 may be one of the years I look back on with fond recollection years from now, knowing how incredible our team and our customers were. Many of you know that I place a premium on the concept of mental toughness. My personal definition of toughness is “the ability to achieve the objective regardless of the obstacles”. What I’ve been so very fortunate to witness, literally on a daily basis, are example after example of toughness all around me. As I think about the year, I’m reminded of a quote from Martin Luther King:
“The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy.”
The adversity of 2020 has brought out the best in so many. At Picis, we can and will continue to measure ourselves by how we respond to the obstacles and how we help our customers provide the best care possible. I am so incredibly grateful for the fantastic people at Picis and for our ridiculously dedicated customers. I’m excited to see how much stronger we grow together in 2021 and I hope everyone remains healthy & safe as we conquer whatever comes our way!
-Marcus Perez, EVP